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Tattoos Inspired by Books

By Leslie Alexander

April 20, 2022

Secondary Title - H2

For the project of redesigning the website, as part of the new brand identity, I was gladly introduced to the marketing and design team of the organization in order to familiarize with the concepts and everything included in the brand book. From there, after a few sessions of brainstorm with my colleagues, I had an idea of what they wanted to accomplish and convey to the public.

With that, I begin to evaluate whether I could go from a more creative or the organization wanted to create a more rigid and formal approach. There are pros and cons for both, but the more salient question is: a creative approach would depend heavily on the person of department structuring the material and, if they are not available or the team increases, new members would have a period of time of getting used to the cultural and minutiae of the organization.

Secondary Title - H2

For the project of redesigning the website, as part of the new brand identity, I was gladly introduced to the marketing and design team of the organization in order to familiarize with the concepts and everything included in the brand book. From there, after a few sessions of brainstorm with my colleagues, I had an idea of what they wanted to accomplish and convey to the public.

With that, I begin to evaluate whether I could go from a more creative or the organization wanted to create a more rigid and formal approach. There are pros and cons for both, but the more salient question is: a creative approach would depend heavily on the person of department structuring the material and, if they are not available or the team increases, new members would have a period of time of getting used to the cultural and minutiae of the organization.

Legend of the picture goes here.

Tertiary Title - h3

Pulvinar semper elit ornare ornare. Dictum id tincidunt tortor, nunc non, urna arcu. Sollicitudin ultrices donec dictum tortor malesuada ultricies euismod. In felis quam integer mi euismod phasellus lorem tempus sagittis. Risus elementum semper sit nibh risus. Dolor imperdiet non facilisis venenatis lorem purus vitae. Molestie non nisl nec, fames. Faucibus lorem in risus nullam sed metus, urna dis nulla. Orci, ornare condimentum enim, tellus mattis vitae eu. Aliquam amet et, tortor interdum urna nullam. Malesuada massa mauris donec velit. Diam nisi adipiscing aliquet magnis facilisis ipsum facilisis. Nulla morbi sapien ultrices varius id dolor vulputate egestas ultricies. Id mattis duis cras tellus posuere pellentesque vitae turpis.Purus, velit tristique nulla amet porttitor nullam. Tortor egestas ultricies mi cras.